Media Information
Media Requests to Photograph, Record or Broadcast a Court Proceeding
The information below and web links provide information to aid the media in covering cases at the Siskiyou County Superior Court, whether in the courthouse or courtrooms.
To request permission to photograph, record or broadcast a Court proceeding both the Media Request (Form MC 500) and Order on Media Request (Form MC 510) must be completed and submitted to the Court at least (five) 5 days before the proceeding or hearing. If not feasible, explain good cause for noncompliance. If your submission is complete, your request and order will be reviewed and a conformed copy will be provided to you. You may drop off your media request and order to the Court at 411 4th Street Yreka CA 96097, or you may fax your request to (530) 572-4013.
Please take note of the Special Order regarding Media dated October 27, 2014 and California Rule of Court, 1.150, which sets guidelines for judges to use when deciding if they will allow people to record or broadcast any court proceeding.