Forms & Filing
Here you will find information regarding forms and filing for the Siskiyou County Superior Court. For additional forms not found locally please visit the California Courts website .
Fees & Bail Schedules
- Statewide Uniform Bail Schedule (Updated 2025)
The dollar amount indicated in this bail schedule is subject to further fees and/or surcharges not shown here. Please use this amount as an estimate to prepare for your fine, not as an absolute amount to send the court.
Local Rules
In addition to these local rules, Siskiyou Superior Court enforces all applicable state statutes and the California Rules of Court. Counsel and self-represented litigants are responsible for knowing and complying with applicable state statutes and the California Rules of Court. In general, the local rules do not contain rules that are duplicative of state statutes or the California Rules of Court.
Fax Filing
The Court accepts fax filings in certain circumstances pursuant to Local Rule 2.24.
Local Forms
Name of Form | Form Number | Effective or Revised | Mandatory/ Optional |
Petition to Inspect Adoption Records | SC-AD-1 | 1/01/2019 | Optional |
Citation to Parent | SC-AD-3 | 7/01/2020 | Optional |
Name of Form | Form Number | Effective or Revised | Mandatory/ Optional |
Declaration Re Ex Parte Notice | SC-CV-1 | 1/9/2025 | Mandatory |
Case Party Information | SC-CV-2 | 1/01/2007 | Mandatory |
Stipulation & Order | SC-CV-4 | 7/01/2020 | Optional |
Probate Summary of Account | SC-PB-1 | 7/01/2001 | Optional |
Request for Court Reporter by a Party with a Fee Waiver | SC-CV-5 | 7/01/2020 | Mandatory |
CLETS Name Change Form | SC-CV-6 | 9/13/2017 | Optional |
Name of Form | Form Number | Effective or Revised | Mandatory/ Optional |
Resentencing Petition | SC-CR-1 | 1/08/2015 | Optional |
Governor’s Pardon | 2019 | Optional | |
Certificate of Rehabilitation | 2019 |
Name of Form | Form Number | Effective or Revised | Mandatory/ Optional |
Request for Records/Search/Copies | SC-ADM | 6/14/2021 | Optional |