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Civil Grand Jury -

Recruitment is Open.  Application can be found here.


What is CARE ?

Recovery &

The CARE Act is a “new civil court process” established to:​

  • Focus counties and other local governments on serving persons with untreated schizophrenia spectrum or other psychotic disorders.​
  • Provide behavioral health and other essential resources and services.​
  • Protect self-determination and civil liberties by providing legal counsel and promoting supported decision making. ​
  • Intervene sooner in the lives of those in need to provide support.​

Who Qualifies?

  • Adults, 18 years or older.​
  • Diagnosed with a Schizophrenia Spectrum and Other Psychotic Disorders.​
  • Currently experiencing behaviors and symptoms associated with severe mental illness (SMI).​
  • Not clinically stabilized in on-going voluntary treatment.​
  • At least one of the following:​
  • Unlikely to survive safely without supervision, and condition is substantially deteriorating. ​
  • Needs services and support to prevent relapse or deterioration, leading to grave disability or harm to others. ​
  • Participation in a CARE Plan or Agreement is the least restrictive alternative.​
  • Likely to benefit from participating in a CARE Plan or Agreement.​


Siskiyou County Superior Court Self Help Center is available to provide CARE Act assistance and education to all parties.

Self-Help Center, First Floor
411 4th Street
Yreka, CA 96097

CARE Act Assistance, click here for clinic hours:

For more information and forms click HERE or here

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